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Urban Management Tool
CLUDs has emphasized the role of the urban district as catalyst of mixed partnership forms, according to a spatial urban configuration.
Boston has a strong district logic in the urban planning instruments, connected and integrated with economic development strategies.
In order to understand what are the key factors of PPP initiatives, 12 case studies distributed in different districts of the metropolitan area of Boston have been analyzed.
Territorial Milieu
Considering the evidences analysed in San Diego, the urban regeneration initiatives based on an integrated approach that valorise the concept of the milieu are potentially drivers of sustainability and produce positive effects for communities by improving the supply of public services. San Diego
is characterized by a strong tradition in term of Community involvement and Community planning. Findings show how the initiatives are effectively able to generate a surplus of social benefits for the communities of the case study areas.
Local Action Plan
The main hypothesis is that the development of a socio-economic territorial network can act as driver for sustainable urban regeneration and rural areas competitiveness, by involving producers and sellers in targeted urban-rural areas, also acting on food chains.
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