Higher Educational Agenda towards a multidisciplinary approach in Urban Regeneration and Economic Development

The CLUDs Lab research activities cover a wide scientific area including social sciences, economics, and environmental topics through the combination of innovation with the higher education program: the International Doctorate in Urban Regeneration and Economic Development Program (URED DP) activated in 2012.
The research activities string along the following main drivers linked to the on-going EU-funded Projects:
Urban Regeneration and Public Private Partnership. Through the CLUDs (Commercial Local Urban District) Research Project, granted by the 7th European Research Framework Program within the Marie Curie IRSES actions 2010.
Urban Safety/Security through the BESECURE (Best practice Enhancers Security in Urban Regions) project, commissioned by the European Union under the EU 7th framework programme (FP7-SECURITY).
Smart Specialisation Strategies through the MAPS-LED (Multidisciplinary Approach to Plan Smart Specialisation Strategies for Local Economic Development) Research Project, granted by the Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie RISE Action 2014.