
The CLUDs Project (Commercial Local Urban Districts) funded by IRSES 2010 has provided an understanding of the contributions of the different forms of Public Private Partnerships in shaping urban regeneration initiatives from the territorial milieu perspective.
The MAPS-LED project funded by RISE 2014 allows to strength the link between urban/spatial fields with economic development by introducing smart specialisation strategies (S3) as innovative policy process to enhance innovation according with place-based approach.
The International Doctoral Programme in Urban Regeneration and Economic Development (URED DP) is an international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral PhD Programme focused on new approaches in delivering and implementing integrated urban policy and local economic development strategies, aligned with the integrated urban sustainable development outlined in the Europe 2020 priorities.
In 2012, the Università Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria has launched the First Cycle of the URED DP as an initiative promoted by the international research network of the CLUDs project granted by the 7FP Marie Curie IRSES 2010 and co-funded by the European Social Fund Calabria Region - Operational Programme 2007-2013, with the specific aim to reinforce the internationalization of the Università Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria.
The aim is to expand the concept of social and environmental added value embedded in some innovative urban regeneration approaches uptaking and increasing the potential for innovations towards local economic development. Focusing on how the demand side approach affects urban policies from both side, public and private sectors, the aim is to enable the career development of ESRs, with different orientations, academic, high expertise in consulting companies, high expertise in reinforce the capacity building of public administrative sector at managerial and directorial levels.