The CLUDs project, funded by the European 7th Framework Programme - Marie Curie Actions - IRSES 2010, aimed at identifying which factors can play determinant roles in performing urban regeneration initiatives and which values can influence their success from an integrated perspective, according to sustainable development principles. In particular, the research intended to demonstrate how the enhancement of local commercial activities (for example, handcrafts and food) performs urban regeneration initiatives towards the reinforcement of local economy, as a way of securing more sustainable urban-rural policy arenas.
Starting from the area-based approach featuring urban regeneration initiatives, the research has connected the logic of urban districts and community area to the logic of the urban-rural network, operationalizing the territorial milieu concept, by including it in current urban management tools, and turning it into an additional asset to further increase sustainability for the competitive urban platform.
The intent was to use new urban management tools able to produce competitive returns supported by social, environmental and economic sustainable actions. In order to reach this objective, it was important to classify urban areas by considered the integration as a basic requirement for the implantation of new urban management tool. Moreover, the CLUDs project strengthened the international research network in the field of urban regeneration, sustainability, public- private participation on the operations of urban transformation and revitalization of smaller towns
Urban Management Tool - WP1
The construction of the conceptual framework necessary to develop the CLUDs model is aimed at:
1. integrating physical interventions, public- private management, localisation of enterprises and economic logistics.
2. Developing a key-feature to innovate the theoretical background of BIDs (Business Improvement Districts) defined and implemented in USA.
Despite a new vision of the European space perspective has emerged in literature, former and current European programmes and tools, built to manage financial resources at regional level, tended and still tend to keep urban and rural development as separated issues.
This gap can be filled by proposing an urban-rural integrated management tool, to be implemented within urban regeneration processes under the current and future programming period.
Territorial Milieu - WP2
The construction of the CLUDs model aimed at incorporating the territorial milieu (including urban-rural interactions) into local urban regeneration initiatives”:
1. incorporating urban-rural interactions into implement urban management tools.
2. exploiting the potential of grass-rooted community-driven initiatives into urban management tools.
How this territorial integration can generate value?
Clusters provide us with the supporting argument for building a marketable territorial network and operationalise the CLUD concept inside the territory as a whole.
The new urban management tool (CLUD) mediates between market and sustainable development, by joining together territorial milieu and clusters.
CLUDs’ Local Action Plan - WP3
The construction of the CLUDs Local Action Plan aims at:
1. Testing the CLUDs model
2. Designing the CLUDs’ Local Action Plan structure
The WP3 is characterized by the implementation of the CLUDs Action Plan to different urban areas with diverse peculiarities. This WP aims at producing and implementing Action Plans for some pilot areas, through the broader involvement of the local community and stakeholders, and at developing a toolkit of transferable good practices to orient urban development policies.
Key Facts
CLUDs – Commercial Local Urban Districts Funded by the 7th European Research Framework Program – MARIE CURIE IRSES ACTION 2010
Project No: 269142
Duration: 36 months
Project Coordinator Organisation: Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria (IT)
Project Coordinator: Prof. Carmelina Bevilacqua
Research Network:
Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, IT (Project Coordinator Organisation)
Università LaSapienza di Roma, IT (Beneficiary)
Salford University, Manchester, UK (Beneficiary)
Aalto University, Aalto, FI (Beneficiary)
Northeastern University of Boston, MA, USA (Partner Organisation)
San Diego State University, CA, USA (Partner Organisation)
CLUDs 2011-2014
Matching Structural Funds with research project
The joint activities of the project CLUDs based on the integration of Development Policy and Research, through the Synergy between the ESF OP 2007-2013 Calabria and 7th Framework Programme of the European research anticipate the build of initiatives consistent with the new Europe 2020 and Horizon 2020 for the future programming period.
Boston Case studies
Public Private Partnership in Urban Regeneration
The huge family of approaches in defining Public Private Partnership promoting the economic initiative within urban regeneration process has led to distinguish two main categories
The first based on:
the initial formal or informal agreement among public and private partners;
the involvement of the public sector
the dominant thread concerning infrastructure financing, construction, operation, and maintenance
The second based on:
A general pursuing to establish a partnership based on community development principles dealing with the involvement of citizens, local companies and professionals to improve various aspects of local communities
the legal entity based on non-profit organization, which allows to participate to a set of advantages, such as tax relieves, special national trust for grant, etc.. ;
the dominant thread concerning in providing services and programs and engage in activities that support communities.
CLUDs Conceptual Frame
The Approach
The main hypothesis started from the consideration that the development of a socio-economic territorial network can act as driver for sustainable urban regeneration and rural areas competitiveness, by involving producers and sellers in targeted urban-rural areas, also acting on food chains.
Two are the main topics:
- Urban regeneration connected to urban rural link;
- From rural area to urban district The CLUDs project aimed at investigate the key success factors acting in urban regeneration processes:
- Enhancement the local economy from the perspective of the network;
- Competitive repositioning of the urban district in the global economy;
- Sustainability of interventions of urban regeneration thanks to the integrated logistics (Km 0) and community planning oriented approach;
- Improvement of services to citizens.